We get so many enquiries about verruca treatment options, we put together this info video
to help you decide what’s best for you.
​Laser Therapy – Great Success Rate
Mild discomfort sometimes experienced
2-10 sessions usually required depending on age and size of verruca, (very old and large lesions may require more)
Ongoing topical skin product advised for optimal results
1 treatment 10-14 days recommended – max duration between appointments 4 weeks
£65 per session PAYG, discount available for prepaying next appointment or block booking
Topical Products recommended for improving skin condition
Medicated Topical Treatment Plan – Advised For Nervous or Young Patients
Initial appointment with topical application - £65
Fortnightly follow up treatments - £45 – up to 6 sessions, if no total resolution, other treatment may be advised
Management – No Resolution
Painless verruca can be left with no real problems beyond how they look and managing the associated callus that may form
Initial appointment - £65
8-12 week routine reduction appointments £50
Surgical Needling or Full Excision – Great Success Rate
Various surgical options under local anaesthetic are available
Prices start from £390 but is dependent on size and location so each case will be priced on a case by case basis.